Requests to Change from One Mode of Learning to Another

For students who were already enrolled, the deadline to finalize their choice for distance or in-person learning was August 28.  Students must attend the mode of learning that has been chosen.  Parents will not be able to change this decision next week, and must follow the procedure if a change is desired.  Students registered after August 28 were placed in the Distance Education mode.

Please note the dates and process:

The following describes the process for those families who are requesting a change in the mode of learning after August 28:

From In Person → Distance Education

  • All families requesting the change from In-Person learning to Distance Learning after August 28 may only do so after the Progress Report in Elementary.
  • If families wish to transfer to the distance mode of learning, they will be asked to contact their home school principal by October 16, 2020 to transition on November 10, 2020.
  • In the interim, if parents choose to keep their student(s) home, they have the option of participating in their in-person class via D2L/Brightspace or Google Classroom, or accessing resources on the WRDSB@HomePlease contact your classroom teacher for further clarification and direction.

From Distance Education → In Person

  • All families requesting the change from Distance Learning to In-Person learning after August 28 may do so after the Progress Report in Elementary.
  • If families wish to transfer to the In-Person mode of learning, they will be asked to contact their home school principal by October 16, 2020 to transition on November 10.


Revised Start Date for Distance Learning

  • Please note that Elementary students will now begin their distance learning on September 18th rather than September 14th. Our staff will continue to connect with students in the distance learning program before September 18 to make sure technology needs are in place, answer questions regarding distance learning and most importantly, establish a student-teacher relationship.

Correction on Earlier Message Regarding Start Times

  • Please note that JK-Grade 6 students will attend, on a staggered basis, starting Monday September 14. It was stated incorrectly that Gr.1-6 would attend.  We apologize for any misunderstanding or confusion this has caused and thank you for your understanding.